Digital Arkitektur

Danish Agency for Digitalisation
Drupal Development
Redesign of the site for Fællesoffentlig Digital Arkitektur. FDA is a part of the Danish Agency for Digitalisation and guides data-engineers, architechts and project managers in chosing open-source solutions.
New logo for FDA
Arkitektur-reol for FDA
Sitemap for FDA
The brief included a better structured sitemap, an improved navigation, the guide to chose open source solutions, a custom article page, a sections page, a dictionary, be responsive and in compliance with the WCAG Web Accessibility guidelines.

The FDA site is a huge library of articles, semantics, metadata and models that the government references to when we develop and upgrade our digital infrastructure.
Frontpage for FDA
Guide to Open Source solutions for FDA
Mobile view of the Article Page for FDA Section subpage and Thesaurus for FDA
I started out by doing research on best practices and drawing up the existing website in Figma so I had something visual and could discus the content and possibilities with the team at FDA.

The developer got another job mid project and since I was ahead of my own schedule with the design in Figma I asked for the opportunity. It was a good lesson in Git, Docker and developing in Drupal.

Plus I learned more about metadata, semantics and friday breakfast meetings.
The old and new logo